When Infertility happens


I was in the university when I first saw a pamphlet on infertility. My immediate response was “ God forbid! This is not my portion and it doesn’t concern me”!. 

Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system and is no respecter of race, tribe, religion or gender. The cause of infertility in couples may originate in the female partner, in the male partner or even in both. Unfortunately women are blamed for every case of infertility, especially in our environment and this is because infertility is obvious in women unlike men. Even most men believe that sexual prowess and volume of their semen are synonymous with fertility. This belief is a major cause of delay in seeking help because the man is busy trading blame instead of leading the way for solutions. Male infertility exists and it doesn’t make you any less of a man because it’s not the end of your journey, it is only the beginning. There is hope! 

What is infertility?

Simply but, it is the inability to achieve pregnancy after a regular and unprotected sexual intercourse over a period of one year or six months if the woman is 35 years or over For a lot of people that have never tried getting pregnant before, it is assumed that having unprotected sex would result in pregnancy. This not always the case: in the absence of underlying health problems or fertility problems, the chances of conception from unprotected sex with an ovulating female is about 25%. Over the course of one year, these chances cumulate and so it is recommended by most authorities that if after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse and no resulting pregnancy, you might begin to suspect a fertility problem and you are advised to consult a fertility specialist.

The causes of infertility are many and vary from person to person. They range from the production, quality and quantity of the gametes resulting from physical stress to hormonal disturbances. One of the best known causes of infertility in females is the approach of the menopause related to age. While this may be true, the onset of menopause is not a cliff edge where fertility suddenly stops but rather a gradual process in which a females’ fertility declines during the years leading up to menopause where it stops altogether. Male infertility can be evaluated by a combination of sperm production, quality and quantity. Infertility is usually only discovered when a couple haven’t been able to get pregnant i.e. the major symptom is the absence of pregnancy.

The cause of a problem is very important because you can’t exactly find a solution for what you do not know. Some of the causes of infertility are:

  • Ovulation problems
  • Endometriosis 
  • Poor egg quality
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Problems with the fallopian tube
  • Age
  • Premature ovarian insufficiency 
  • Poor sperm quality
  • Problem with erection and ejaculation

There are certain risk factors that predispose individuals to infertility such as health conditions and lifestyle. Habits like excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and narcotics  co. Some disease conditions such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, sexually transmitted infections can impair the functions of the reproductive organs also causing infertility. The cause of infertility is many and varies and individuals may be affected with one or more of them. But we have seen that there are a variety of options available for treatments. Thanks to modern medicine and technology, infertility does not prevent you from having a child of your own. There are a variety of options to address the various kinds of fertility problems. Treatments might be required for one or both partners. 

Here at Origene Health Services, our specialist and staff are all at your disposal as we navigate this fertility journey together. We are with you from your first inquiry all the way until you have your baby or babies in your arms.

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